A sustainable future calls for leaders that are purposedriven, authentic, innovative, present, courageous, conscious, compassionate and aligned with the service of the greater good.

Fortunately nature can teach us all that.

Work with us to future-proof your leadership for a sustainable and abundant world.

Programs and courses for leaders

Programs and courses for professionals

Meet the team



Science and articles

I’m looking for ways to…


For Emerging Leaders


This program teaches you wake up in your own presence, techniques for creating calm and clarity and coming closer to your authentic core as a leader

Learning from nature’s elements and symbols, you’ll become more aware of your patterns of action and create a lasting change in your leadership that is in line with both your values ​​and beliefs and to be able to stand strong in these

For Sustainability Leaders


Are you a visionary leader whose decisions have a climate impact? Then the time has come to connect with the natural world and become a nature-conscious leader.

This 2-day course for managers is based on our ancestors' nature connection and evidence-based research. The course is not about lectures, KPIs and smart buzzwords; it is a hands-on experience and experience in the heart of Mother Nature.

For Professionals


Bring your facilitation outside and inspire customers and yourself with it.

Design professional facilitation and trainings and group processes with the great outdoors - scientifically substantiated, sustainably motivated and tailor-made for your professional context


Feel more relaxed and present?

Great! Because, you’re not you, when you’re not present.

Let us show you, how to find yourself and your inner presence with nature


Do experiences with nature – from wilderness backpacking to plants in a preschool, to a wetland lesson on frogs—promote learning?

The research on personal development and environmental stewardship is compelling. Report after report – from independent observers as well as participants themselves – indicate shifts in perseverance, problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, teamwork, and resilience. Similarly, over fifty studies point to nature playing a key role in the development of pro-environmental behavior, particularly by fostering an emotional connection to nature.

In academic contexts, naturebased instruction outperforms traditional instruction.

The evidence here is particularly strong, including experimental evidence; evidence across a wide range of samples and instructional approaches; outcomes such as standardized test scores and graduation rates; and evidence for specific explanatory mechanisms and active ingredients.

Nature may promote learning by improving learners’ attention, levels of stress, self-discipline, interest and enjoyment in learning, and physical activity and fitness. Nature also appears to provide a calmer, quieter, safer context for learning; a warmer, more cooperative context for learning; and a combination of “loose parts” and autonomy that fosters developmentally beneficial forms of play.

It is time to take nature seriously as a resource for learning.

Source: Do Experiences With Nature Promote Learning? Converging Evidence of a Cause-and-Effect Relationship - PMC (


We shape the next generation of authentic, conscious and sustainable leaders. Leaders that are truly connected to themselves and the natural world around them. Leaders who make bold decisions, create followers in shape a world of joy, wellbeing and abundance. And we do that together with the greatest teacher of all: Nature.

We are not an outdoor teambuilding company or an adventure trail company. Why? Because we know from experience that nature is right here, right now. You don’t have to climb a mountain or survive in an jungle to transition into an authentic and sustainable leader. You just have to wake up, notice and experience the natural world in and around you.

Our insights and solutions for leadership development are based on:

  • - What the world is calling for

  • - More than 15 years of international experience with talent, leadership and team development

  • - A carefully curated blend of ancient (forgotten) sacred indigenous wisdom, robust modern science and evidence-based practices


When business leaders form a stronger bond with the natural world, it can benefit their organizations, the environment, and themselves.

99 and 90 %

The earth, the land, and the organisms that surround us are our home. To live, humans have to take energy and resources from their natural surroundings. All human life brings us into relationship with the landscapes, the plants, and the animals around us.

99 and 90 - What do these numbers stand for?

Our species have lived 99 % percent of our lifetime in close connection and syncronicity with and respect for the natural world. And today we spend and average of 90 % of our time indoors. In other words, we work and live in unnatural ways.

It’s time to get back to nature - after all the planet is our only home. Let’s break the cycle and reclaim our natural way of leading.


Beneficial impacts of nature exposure for Amazon employees; results suggest stress reduction benefits

New research on the beneficial impacts of nature exposure for Amazon employees; results suggest stress reduction benefits

It’s important to reflect on the myriad of benefits that nature exposure can provide for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being — especially as employees throughout the US and across industries continue to report elevated levels of work stress.

Researchers from the University of Washington published a new experimental, 2-study report on the beneficial effects that day-to-day nature exposure can have on workers in their everyday lives.

Anglian Water value the health, well-being and productivity benefits that a connection with nature brings.

Anglian Water encourages a connection with nature for their 5,000 employees by providing nature guides and materials, and running nature-centred campaigns.

They have also created allotments, wellbeing gardens and memorial gardens in unused spaces on their water treatment facilities to provide spaces for employees and surrounding communities to connect with nature. This work sits alongside their yearly wellbeing plan and wider environmental strategy.


Did you also know that connecting and interacting with nature, will not only make you feel more relaxed, it will improve your focus, concentration, creativity, learning agility, compassion and ability to connect with others?

Nature may even hold answers to some of your deepest questions.

And immersing yourself and connecting with natural beings will allow you to truly discover and connect with your authentic self.

But what about the science behind it?

The scientific evidence backing the case for Naturebased leadership development is becoming increasingly compelling.

What indigenous people knew and practiced for thousands of years, western contemporary science is now picking up on.

More than 100 peer-reviewed scientific studies indicate the positive benefits of developing in and with nature.

The tiny story of the big sunflower

A sunflower seed contains everything it needs to become what it is intended to become.

Just like you… you have everything you need to become what you are intended to become.

Everything so that you can stand tall, light up and cast a long shadow.

Did you ever pause and wonder what your seed was intended to become?

But our fast-paced, always-on, everchanging, demanding and unnatural ways of working and living sadly doesn’t constitute the best circumstances (or soil if we may) for growing the true you.

In between institutionalization, power structures, social demands, political agendas, invasive technologies and tempting marketing messages, we can easily slide away from our true selves.

Hit the pause button, come with us into nature and discover the true you.

DYK that according to EPA, Americans spend in average more 90 % of their time indoors?

How did we become The Indoor Generation? How do we become The Nature Connected Generation?

Based on a profound knowledge of nature, human development and love, respect and admiration of nature, our proven solutions will help you become a more conscious, centered and purpose driven leader.

There is a growing body of compelling science pointing towards both mental, emotional, physical and spiritual benefits of spending time in and interacting with nature. Ancient people and tribes have known this for centuries and now science is catching up.

Curious to know more about the neuroscience behind nature-based human development? Dive into our section “Knowledge”.

Let’s meet up in real life to share the beauty of the natural world.

Curious to know more our what we do at WE ARE NATURE, the difference in people’s life we make AND the science behind the benefits of nature? Then sign up for our quarterly newsletter.